Title: The Beauty and The Blackness Of My Soul
Author: Wintrell R. Pittman
Category: Poetry, Literature & Fiction, Poetry
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 47
ISBN Number: 1-59196-639-6
Publication Date: 032505
Email: pitt9084@bellsouth.net |
About this Book: |
This book is a very provocative book which deals with a lot of sensitive issues, such as slavery, inter-racial marriage, religion and the everyday struggles of middle class people in America. These poems are a bit of philosphy along with a touch of modern day hip hop like lyrics. Anyone on any level will be able to relate to the variou subjects mentioned in the book. The author writes with wit as well as wisodom. This book is sure to be a classic. These poems will be read over and over again because of the intense and honest manor in which these various subjects are being dealt with. Not sense the early 20 th centuary has there been a writer who has the courage to speak openly and bluntly about so many sensitive subjects which writers of more renown dodge cause of their fear of not selling as many books . Even though you may not agree with everything you will read, this book will stimulate your mind like it has never been stimulated before!
About the Author: |
The author is Wintrell R. Pittman, Mr. Pittman has published two other books. The first book is entitled, "The I, I Came To Be,(A Story of Homosexuality, A.I.D.S. and Voodoo) which is a true story based on the life and death of his own two brothers. Also Mr. Pittman has illustrated a series of children's book entitled "Children of The World". For more infor e-mail at Pitt9084@bellsouth.net
Book Review: |
Not sense James Weldon Johnson has there been a writer who uses the word so skillfully to shed light on subjects not normally written about. Mr. Pittman actually goes out on a limb to express openly what others writers only dare to say. This book from a relative unknown author is sure to throw him into the lime light because talent such as this is very hard to keep secret. "The Beauty and The Blackness of My Soul" is destined to win literary awards across the world. The poem, "Love Like Snow" is sure the warm the hearts of people everywhere.
Order/Contact Info: |
Mr. Pitman is a new author and welcomes the response from his readers. If you would like to make a comment concerning "The Beauty and The Blackness of My Soul" than you can do so by e-mail pitt9084@bellsouth.net or by sending written opinions to: Wintrell R. Pittman
PO Box 280693
Memphis, TN 38168
Mr. Pittman is also a gifted speaker, and is open for speaking engagements and book signings.