Title: Common Religious Mistakes
Author: William M. Worthey
Category: Religion & Spiritual
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 154
ISBN Number: 1-59872-725-7
Publication Date: Jan. 2007
Email: worthey@comcast.net |
About this Book: |
In all fields of study and practices of life, there are common mistakes that are made. Religion is, admittedly, no exception. Teachers in schools know the common areas where the new class is likely to stumble. They wisely point out those dangers. We too can avoid the common mistakes in religion by noting in history the danger areas. This study presents 14 common mistakes in religion.
About the Author: |
William M. Worthey has been a minister of the Gospel for 30 years. He has been a missionary in the Cayman Islands and has traveled to several foreign countries. This practical experience along with class room studies in religion have produced this volume on Common Religious Mistakes. He has served the Cawson Street Church of Christ, Hopewell, Virginia, for 14 years.
Book Review: |
This book candidly points our common mistakes that many religions have made for the purpose of avoiding them in the future. Fourteen common mistakes are named. Some of these are Straining at Gnats, Confusing Traditions and Truth, Stumbling over the Stumbling Stone, Emphasizing Outward Forms of Religion instead of the Heart, and Confusing Physical Israel with Spiritual Israel. The 154 page book has a Glossary, bibliography, and Thought Questions at the end of each chapter.
Order/Contact Info: |
William M. Worthey
13801 Rockhaven Dr
Chester, VA 23836
(804) 852-0515