Title: Pelicans and Snowbirds
Author: Wil Casey
Category: Entertainment, Travel, Biographies & Memoirs
Price: $12.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 234
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: 2011
Email: wilcasey@hotmail.com |
About this Book: |
Poetry and wildlife are beautiful things! Unfortunately, this book has nothing to do with either of them! This book is about flying. Not about flying in those cute little airplanes that buzz over your house or the fancy air show types with the shiny paint jobs! This is about working with and being a passenger of those giant, impersonal airlines; where the shakedown, stuff and rush are the standard fare which we willingly endure to get from here to there!
A second and equally critical theme within this text is an exploration of life and living in the magical, twisted destination known as Florida, USA.
About the Author: |
Wil Casey worked for The State of Michigan for twenty seven years. Since retirement from government he has worked as an Airline Employee, Delivery Man, Test Driver, Tax Preparer and Warehouse Manager. He currently lives in rural Michigan with his wife Susan and dog Bosco. The three of them return to Florida often.
Book Review: |
A humerous look at how things operate within the big airlines, through the eyes of a temporary, seasonal employee; from hiring, physical examination and training, to abandonment on the job.
The passengers are as dysfunctional and comical as their hosts leaving nothing to the predictable.
Multiple anecdotes and scenarios of real events are presented to inform and entertain anyone who has ever experienced air travel.
Florida's unique approach to life serves as the setting for this season of fun!
Order/Contact Info: |
Wil Casey may be contacted through Instantpublisher.com or via email at: