Title: Unknown Footsteps
Author: Sterling D. Davidson
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Nonfiction, Self-Improvement
Price: $14.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 152
ISBN Number: 978-0-578-05204-5
Publication Date: March, 2010
Website: linkministriessite.com
Email: ddavidson@q.com |
About this Book: |
There is a mystery to the Spirit of God and Jesus gave some clues. Footsteps is an exploration of that mystery helping the "God seeker" to walk in the unknown if not entirely solving it. The book uses two primary illustrations to convey the concept of walking in the Spirit... the wind and the footsteps of God upon the waters of the sea. The challenge of going beyond the limitations of our finite minds into the infinite possibilities of the spiritual world is presented in three parts... Concepts, applications and experience.
About the Author: |
Sterling D. Davidson has pastored and ministered for over 25 years and is, along with his wife Diane, currently establishing several mission works in Colorado and Utah. They have formed an effort named "Link Ministries" which concentrates on making "Vital Connections for Perilous times".
Sterling (Dean) and Diane are living in western Colorado and travel in the region to ensure the gospel message is reaching as many as the Lord allows them to minister to. It is through a knowledge of scripture and scriptural concepts as well as their own success and failures that the insights found in this writting proceed.
Book Review: |
Unknown Footsteps is an exploration of the concept, application, and expereince of walking in the Spirit of God. It is written in three parts corrisponding to these three areas of exploration. The writting covers a number of topics relating to these three parts and include: Definitions. Parabolic interpretations. Application of praise. Spiritual warfare. Leadership. Organization. Understanding of spirtual principles. Interpretations from the story of Jesus' walk on water.
The book concludes with the challenge to let God be God and allow him to go beyond our intellect.
Order/Contact Info: |
Sterling D. Davidson
467 Forelle St.
Clifton, CO 81520