About this Book: |
Making Friends With Food: Honoring the Body Nutritionally: A comprehensive yet easy-to-understand book that teaches you how make friends with food and how to eat to live. Cut through the myriad of confusing and conflicting and be able to “connect the dots” to obtain optimal health – spirit, mind, and body. Don’t live in unnecessary misery. Learn to think correctly about food, master the art of eating, and what you need for good health beyond healthy food and supplements. All the basics you need to know to take charge of your health in one simple book, including recipes.
About the Author: |
Shirley Powell was born with two potentially life-threatening hereditary diseases: sickle cell disease and celiac disease. For 35 years, she suffered tremendously with painful crises, dozens and dozens of hospitalizations, and surgeries.
In 1989, in her early thirties, she was led on a path of discovering the solution through God’s provisions and obedience to His will. As a result, Shirley has been made an example of God’s healing power and has successfully overcome the devastation of sickle cell disease.
She is now a Doctor of Naturopathy, Certified Health Practitioner, Certified Nutrition Counselor, author, and chief steward of Temple Care: Body, Mind & Spirit, specializing in personal consultations for corrective and remedial nutrition and supplementation, lifestyle evaluation, and natural health education. She gives workshops, seminars, retreats, and lunchtime learning sessions at business offices.