Title: Henry the Immigrant, The First Tapscotts of Virginia
Author: Robert E. Tapscott
Category: History
Price: $40.00
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 339
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: Nov, 2006
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About this Book: |
Henry the Immigrant is neither a genealogy—though it contains much of interest to genealogists—nor a family history, as the term is normally used. Rather, it is the story of a family, a quite remarkable family that lived in a quite remarkable time. This book presents the history of Henry and Ann Tapscott, their offspring, and the society in which they lived, with every attempt to replace wishful thinking with fact, and dubious anecdote with record. The story details the lives of Henry, Ann, and their children, with short (and ofttimes not so short) biographies of their grandchildren, and continues with Ann’s second marriage to Benjamin George and their offspring. The story is chiefly set in 18th-century Virginia, but numerous excursions into the more distant past and toward the present are made to put things into perspective and to provide glimpses of sources and outcomes. In particular, brief overviews of some of the descendants of the many grandchildren are provided.
About the Author: |
Robert Tapscott resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico, his home since 1968. For over thirty years, Bob worked for the University of New Mexico, where he was a Professor of Chemistry and later the Director of the Center for Global Environmental Technologies. Since retiring from the University, Bob writes histories, serves as the home chef, and works part time for the Good Shepherd Center, a homeless shelter—all efforts, at present, profitless. He is also Vice President of a ridiculously small firm, GlobeTech Inc, which does consulting, provides database design, and publishes books, this being one of them.
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Order/Contact Info: |
To order, contact the author by email at or at
Robert E. Tapscott
3812 Palomas Dr NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110-1213
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