Title: The Heart of Job
Author: Reverend Valerie J. Wells
Category: Religion & Spiritual
Price: $19.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 110
ISBN Number: 978-0-9793913-0-9
Publication Date: Feb, 2008
Email: reverendvaleriewells@comcast.net |
About this Book: |
It is very easy to see Christ in the book of Ruth as our kinsman redeemer or in the book of Esther as the savior of all Israel. We rejoice over seeing how God saves and restores His people but we must not make the mistake of Israel in only wanting a triumphal Christ and never acknowledge the suffering Christ.
Job forces us to recognize that Christ must also suffer and this book foreshadows the suffering Christ, for He was stricken of God and afflicted.Job like Christ helps us to understand suffering without blaming or rejecting God.
About the Author: |
Reverend Valerie J. Wells is a student of the Destiny School of Ministry and credentialed through Evangel Association of Churches and Ministries located in Roseville, Michigan under the leadership of Doctors Jerry and Sherill Piscopo. Prior she was a counselor for ministry training at Mt. Zion Church in Clarkston, Michigan under Pastor Loren Covarrubias. She is pursunig her Doctorate in Divinity at the Roseville Campus.She is married to Walter Wells and they have five children and eight grandchildren.
Book Review: |
Dr.Sherill Piscopo of Evangel Association of Churches and Ministries said; this is an excellent thesis on the book of Job!
Associate Pastor David Mcclure of Mt. Zion said; You did an exceptional disertation of The Heart of Job, I am glad you decided to write the book.
Order/Contact Info: |
To order send check or money order for $19.95 to Reverend Valerie J. Wells, P.O.B. 300326 Drayton Plains, Michigan 48330-0326.
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