About this Book: |
When I finished reading in this chapter Jesus asked me this question: “If I raised Lazarus from the dead, don’t you believe that I can give you your driver’s license?” My answer was “Yes, Lord!” At that moment I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that by faith my driver’s license was already in my hands. Jesus was showing me that He had the power to resurrect the dead. Jesus spoke to a dead man and he did “Dare to Believe” and obey God. I was alive and well so I knew that I had no excuse. Praise Ye The Lord!
About the Author: |
Pastor Henry has been blessed to author and distribute many tracts, provide Bibles, minister in many homes, hospitals, convalescent facilities, schools, churches, jails and prisons. She has also counseled through hundreds of handwritten letters to those nearby and in other continents. Pastor Henry also ministered through radio in Wilmington, North Carolina on WMYT.
She attended the Star of Bethlehem Holiness Church as a youngster and was educated in the public schools of Pender County, NC. She attended Bible School for 3 years at O.M. Kelly Bible Institute, Brooklyn, NY and earned her B.A. from the University of Massachusetts in Elementary Education.
She now lives in Rocky Pont, North Carolina where she Pastor of Mercy Temple Church.