Title: Mrs. Mouse's Menu Cookbook
Author: Mrs. C.W. Mouse
Category: Cooking, Self-Improvement, Nonfiction
Price: $29.95
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 250
ISBN Number: 978-1-60458-969-6
Publication Date: May, 2013
Website: mrsmousehouse.com/M3.htm
Email: mrsmouse@mrsmousehouse.com |
About this Book: |
We don’t eat recipes.
We eat whole meals.
Welcome to a different kind Of cookbook!
Mrs. Mouse's Menu Cookbook is based on a very simple idea.
People cook dinner as complete menus. Why not combine instructions to allow them to follow ONE recipe for the entire meal? No more flipping from one recipe or cookbook to another to prepare your menu. Using "Mrs. Mouse's Menu Cookbook", you'll only need one recipe per meal.
Mrs. Mouse's Menu Cookbook is designed for the person just starting out, a busy couple with little time and energy to cook, even those who are cooking for one and don't want days of leftovers. The instructions are simple and easy to follow so beginner cooks have no trouble following them. There are 53 complete dinner menus included in this book, enough to make a new menu once a week for an entire year, plus one.
Mrs. Mouse's Menu Cookbook was developed over generations, from recipes time tested by my family, but never written down. Until now. Now they are yours. Enjoy!
About the Author: |
Mrs. Mouse is an award winning children’s book author from Idaho. She is married to her best friend and mother of one. She can usually be found cooking, gardening, charity crafting, playing with pets or writing about all of the above.
Book Review: |
Mrs. Mouse will show you how to take the guesswork out of timing a meal.
Something always burns or dries out while you are working on another dish? The trickiest part of meal preparation is timing. To have everything cooked to perfection and ready to serve at the same time even eludes some experienced cooks. Mrs. Mouse's Cookbook, with her ingenious menu "recipes" will hold your hand as you get your timing right. If you pay attention the techniques you learn can be used to create other menus or even aid you in learning how to multitask.
Mrs. Mouse’s Menu Cookbook is a must for beginners and useful for the experienced cook who wishes to expand his or her know-how. It's full of innovative recipes to expand your repertoire without the stress of worrying about your timing.
Enjoy! Bon Appetite!
- Cookbook author Eva Kende, Eva's Kitchen Confidence
and Eva's Hungarian Kitchen, http://www.telusplanet.net/public/ekende/
Order/Contact Info: |
email: mrsmouse@mrsmousehouse.com
Book Sample: http://mrsmousehouse.com/M3Sample.pdf
Cookbook ordering: http://mrsmousehouse.com/M3.htm