Title: Be A Man God Can Use!
Author: H. Jean McEntire
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Education & Language
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 4.25 x 7
Number of Pages: 120
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: August 03, 2020
Email: jeanmcentire@aol.com |
About this Book: |
Be A Man God Can Used!examines the lives of ordinary men from the Bible who did extraordinary things because they were used by God. It will encourage men to be men God can use for His glory.
About the Author: |
H. Jean McEntire is a pastor/teacher, mentor and author. Pastor Jean is the founder of the Beauty for Ashes Global Women Ministry. This ministry empowers women to take off the ashes of life and live in the purpose of God and Partners in Education, an organization that educates children in Uganda. She co-pastors with her husband, Dr. Alexander McEntire, at The Word Alive Christian Fellowship in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Book Review: |
The messages in Be A Man God Can Used! has blessed men of different faiths across the United States. It has been read by inmates in prisons, minsters, councilmen and NFL players, one former Philadelphia Eagle player said, it changed his life.
Order/Contact Info: |
Word Alive Publications 4260 Hamilton Ave Cincinnati, OH 45223, Email: Cincywordalive@gmail.com PH: (513) 245-0007, www.wordaliveministriesinc.org