Title: Singing The Body Into Being
Author: Francesca Genco
Category: Music, Religion & Spiritual, Education & Language
Price: $25.00
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 104
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: November 2012
Website: lilacmusic.com
Email: lilac@lilacmusic.com |
About this Book: |
Francesca Genco is one of those rare teachers who understands how everything is interconnected and uses her voice work as a powerful agent of change in the world. She has dedicated her heart and soul to creating community and social change in a world that needs this kind of awareness and leadership. Francesca is on the cutting edge of voice work that reaches for the inherent expressive soul that we all have within us.
Carol Swann
Co-founder of Moving On Center: School of Participatory Arts and Somatic Research
About the Author: |
Francesca Genco, MA is a singer and sound healer, yoga instructor, bodyworker and interdisciplinary arts teacher. She is the founder of Song of the Body, which offers classes, workshops and retreats in embodied voice, sound healing, yoga and creative expression. She teaches her Singing the Body workshops and leads improvisational chanting circles in the San Francisco Bay area, on the east coast and in Europe. Her classes and private sessions are based in creating an intimate relationship with the body as we learn to listen and respond to its natural intelligence and resonance.
Book Review: |
In this little gem of a book, Francesca Genco extends a forthright and generous invitation to each of us to expand our soul-singer selves in deep, playful, and liberating ways. Offering a plethora of simple, powerful exercises, she literally
en-courages the vocal explorer to replace ambition with curiosity and judgment with attention and presence. Francesca wisely situates our human body-voices within the polyrhythmic symphony of all of nature—in itself a radically healing act—and shows us the way, through embodied singing, to engender the kind of vibrant, empowering community for which we long.
Rabbi Diane Elliot
Registered Somatic Movement Therapist and teacher of Body-Mind Centering®
Order/Contact Info: |
Published by Francesca Genco
(510) 524-2924