About this Book: |
Book of poems written in Spanish. Poems about modern times, modern issues, philosophic issues, ideality, sarcasm, surrealism, social conscious, thought provoking. Major influences: Lorca, Vallejo, Huidobro, Alonso, Mallarme, Bukowski, H. Crane, Whitman, etc.
The book contains 5 chapbooks:
Fuera De la Gravedad,
Revolucion de 359 Grados,
Color, and,
Mar: Si Olvido tu nombre.
About the Author: |
Dirk Wojtczack's 2nd book of poetry, Reservorio, follows his debut book, "Nacimiento", published in Spain by Ruiz de Aloza Editors. This book represents a personal view of his own life, mortality, the world, and beyond. The content of this book is more daring than past efforts, with rich images and broader range of poetic styles.
Book Review: |
Sections of this book have been posted in various poetry websites, receiving positive feedback from fellow poets, and from his 1st poetry book editor, who knows the author's cultural background as diverse as north is to south.