Title: Rounding Off the Corners of Life; A Dad's talk with his children
Author: Dale H. Rusling
Category: Entertainment, Children, Education & Language
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 115
ISBN Number: 1-59196-609-4
Publication Date: May, 2004
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About this Book: |
History, Economics, Electricity, Pets, Exercise, the Bible and Parenting are several of the more than 50 topics covered in this concise and fun to read book. Children and adults alike can learn what many people take a lifetime to understand, and some never do.
Many readers have commented that they've never thought about such things before, or encountered these perspectives, and that they've enjoyed themselves in the process.
This is a great book for a long, lazy afternoon next to the pool or beach, or unwinding at the end of a work day. Maybe Chapter 25, "Your Ideal Job" might give some perspective on this.
Once read, and passed around to your children (or to your parents), this book will be happy to reside on your bookshelf of favorites, ready to be consulted a year or so from now. Just for a refreshing "tune-up."
About the Author: |
Dale Rusling is a careful observer of how things are, how things work, and also that many people miss so much of life.
Mr. Rusling notes that in 1971, his father passed away at a young age, and wasn't able to share much of himself. When he reached that age himself, Mr. Rusling decided to write this book to his three daughters (ages 10, 13, and 15) so that he could leave them with a permanent records of himself and his advice to them.
For nearly 30 years in the automotive tooling business in Canada and in the United States, and as a Bible teacher since 1981, he's picked up quite an education. He credits mentors who took an interest in him during this time, including Mel Nance and J. Russel Wilson, for challenging his thinking and reasoning.
The author's thoughts are written in a direct, personal and friendly fashion, filled with humor, and cover over 50 themes of importance to children (and adults) growing up in a challenging society.
Book Review: |
Order/Contact Info: |
Dale H. Rusling
3256 Maisonneuve Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9E 1Y7
(519) 971-6371
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