Title: Walk A Mile in My Shoes: A Girl with Envy
Author: Be, Charlee
Category: Children, Religion & Spiritual, Literature & Fiction
Price: $999.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 149
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: 4/2022
Email: prayn43@gmail.com |
About this Book: |
Want everything that is coming to you. Know that anything you are marveling after that someone else has obtained does not mean that they are enjoying it… Others may have it all and still never know: love and happiness. Forget this lesson and you just might get what you are looking for. Life is full of unexpected things. Live your life to the fullest and grab a hold of as much of life as you can. While, you are grabbing life don’t allow yourself to be fooled with the mysteries of life. Why does she prosper and I don’t? That is a selfish line that may very well cost you. Let your wisdom guide you through life and not the earthly flesh.
About the Author: |
The author has been writing stories for over two decades for friends, family, and church members. We are elated just knowing, she has decided to share these stories with the world. The author is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has a Masters degree in Education... She wants you to know that writing has taken up a big part of her life, but more importantly, she is looking to inspire the next generation of authors; by telling her stories.
Book Review: |
I think this is an amazing read. It is full of ups and downs. The main character, Angela, really turned on the fiery... This book takes your mind on a wonderful journey, while teaching you right from wrong... Spectacular work! From J. Angel Marie.
Order/Contact Info: |
Be, Charlee & Associates