About this Book: |
If Moses had consulted his attorney about the exodus, he would never have left Egypt. If Noah's neighbors had known how the ark was going to block their driveways, they wouldn’t have bought houses on his block. And if Adam had known what eating one little piece of fruit could do, you and I wouldn't be here! Biblically accurate and highly relevant to both women and men, Through The Bible In Workboots follows the men of the Bible as they struggled with their roles and attempted to cope with the full spectrum of everyday life from the beginning of time. A well integrated, many-faceted and clear presentation of Christianity is woven throughout the book, leading the reading to a deeper level with God. Anderson's easy conversational style makes the book more of a personal chat with a friend over a cup of coffee than a typical Bible-oriented volume. A sequel to Anderson's popular Through The Bible In High Heels, this book is witty, wise and pure fun!
About the Author: |
Alice Hellstrom Anderson has authored 31 books since 1998. Her easy style of communicating and her ability to make the characters of the Bible seem like typical next-door neighbors makes readers instantly comfortable. Her refreshing humor and sound Biblical teaching convey solid truths and working principles for living Christianity in today’s situations. This book’s predecessor, Through The Bible In High Heels, has been adapted for the stage and has enjoyed excellent reviews. Anderson is currently working on her first Christian novel, The Tidedancer.