Title: Attitude of Hope
Author: Albert Friend
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Self-Improvement, Nonfiction
Price: $8.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 86
ISBN Number: ISBN o-9767524-3-3
Publication Date: Jan,2006
Website: http://www.almhamilton.org
Email: al_friend@fuse.net |
About this Book: |
The attitude of hope is best seen in the sower and the reaper. Hope is rewarded in their heart at the reaping of a fall harvest.
Hope is more than a topic for discussion. Hope is the anchor for the soul. Hope is a place in which to live. Hope is a maximum security stronghold. The walls are formed by the word of God. You are secure. Hope, when properly used, is a force that can put you over in all you do. Hope will not allow you to be ashamed of what God is compelling you to do. Hope makes you the best person you could ever be. It makes you exactly what God intended. Hope takes man to the highest of his thoughts. Hope is of God.
Your attitude determines your decisions. Many times a bad decision is the product of a bad attitude. Your life is too important to mishandle with a bad attitude.
The Law of Hope
God created you and trusts in you, so, you must be yourself. Otherwise God has nothing to work with. Trust in your own thoughts. God speaks to you by putting a thought picture in your mind.
About the Author: |
Albert Friend, a husband of 52 years and a father of 4 children not only speaks from what he knows but points the way to greatness. Attitude of Hope comes from his soul.
He has pastored for 43 years and has the resources called experience and knowledge from which he will draw. His children have followed in his footsteps and are all involved in the Pastorate.
Genesis 18:19 I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the LORD and do what is right and just. Then I will do for him all that I have promised." NLT
Now a man of 76 years of age, Al has committed his life to the generations which follow after him. He has spent a life giving to those who have gone across the globe doing the work of the ministry. He is known as a giver and a man who cares for the needs of others.
Book Review: |
Best wishes on your work.
May many benefit from your wisdom.
Mike Vlach
5100 South 66th St.
Lincoln, NE 68516
Order/Contact Info: |
Send your order to:
Albert Friend
1601 Hamilton Richmond Rd.
Hamilton, Ohio 45013
Tel. 513-868-6224