Romance novels typically follow a fairly straightforward formula while also having almost infinite opportunities for creativity and experimentation. The strict formula of romance makes it easy for authors to outline books in that genre. Here are the seven things self-publishing romance authors need to outline their novels.
1. Discover the Characters
Romances are character-driven stories, and therefore, self-publishing authors should start with character sketches.
Characters should have distinct personalities, interesting pasts, clear motivations, and personal conflicts inherent in these character sketches.
2. World Introduction
In romance, it isn’t unusual for the first chapter or two to establish the characters and set up who they are and what they want before the couple meets. Typically, this doesn’t last for more than two chapters.
3. Meet Cute
In almost all cases, the characters in a romance novel need to meet for the first time within the book’s first three chapters. This meeting should bring the characters together in a fun and interesting way that excites the reader and shows them the couple’s relationship potential. In some books, characters will have a joint past but will meet again for the first time.
The meet-cute is usually either the inciting incident of the novel or is directly followed by the inciting incident of the novel, which sets the story on course.
4.The Couple Come Together
Typically, the first half to three-quarters of a romance is when the characters come together. This typically occurs by having the lovers spend time together and overcome lower-stakes internal and external conflicts as a team. The reader should feel the relationship growth and should progress in a manner that makes sense for the characters and the story.
5. Romantic Peak
At the end of the story’s second act, the romance should hit a romantic peak. This will look different for every couple and story, but it should be clear to the reader that something huge has changed in the relationship. The self-publishing author should decide if the romantic peak is a proclamation of love, physical intimacy, a marriage proposal, or something else. It doesn’t matter as long as it is clear that something important has positively changed for the couple.
6. All is Lost
Romance novels start their third act with the darkest moment. This is some conflict that seems insurmountable to the characters. In many books, this leads to a third-act break-up; however, this is not a genre requirement. Whatever happens, should be the ultimate test of the couple’s love and should have enough weight to make the reader wonder how the characters can get past what’s happened with their love intact.
A self-publishing author needs to have this in their outline so they know what conflict they need to build up in the story.
7. Love Conquers All
The conflict at the start of the third act should be overcome in a way readers will feel satisfied.
One of the requirements for a book in the romance genre is that the characters must have a satisfying and hopeful ending where they are together, either in a happily-ever-after or a happy-for-now resolution.
After the last hurdle to their love is overcome, a self-publishing author might choose to add a chapter or two to show the reader what the character’s happy ending looks like. This can be a wedding, a baby, a marriage proposal, or whatever the self-publishing author wishes. They need to be sure to deliver this succinctly to keep an engaging pace at the end of the book.
Outlining is just the first step in turning an idea into a book.
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