5 Reasons to Hire a Ghostwriter

Ghostwriters are people hired to create a book and then turn the copyright of that book over to the buyer. There are many reasons that you might consider hiring a ghostwriter to help you complete your masterpiece.

A self-publishing author working with a ghostwriter over the computer

1. Writing Skills

Like any skill, learning to use the language masterfully take practice and time to develop. Unfortunately, no one sits down one day and churns out a perfect book.

Ghostwriters are often hired to write non-fiction books by people who have a lot of knowledge about the topic of their book but don’t have a background in writing. Hiring a ghostwriter assures that the information the buyer wants to communicate to the audience in an easily understood way.

Sometimes a person will hire a ghostwriter for a fiction project if they have an excellent idea for a story but don’t have the experience to execute it themselves.

Ghostwriters can take a fiction or non-fiction outline and turn it into a fantastic book.

2. Time

Writing a book takes a long time, even for an experienced author. A first book commonly takes years to write. Some people don’t have that kind of time.

Perhaps their non-fiction book is about something happening in current events or another topic that needs to be finished promptly.

Sometimes there are fiction trends that an author might want to follow. For example, perhaps a particular type of book is trendy at the moment, and the author wants to get their book written while the market for that book is still hot.

Ghostwriters have years of experience, and writing is their job. They are able to produce completed work in a fraction of the amount of time a new author could.

3. Add to Your Product Line

People who own intellectual property may wish to add books to their product line. For example, maybe a video game designer wants books written about their world to sell to players. Perhaps a comic artist wants to turn their stories into novels but lacks the skills. Hiring a ghostwriter is a perfect way to make the most of the intellectual properties one owns and create a variety of new, sellable items to include in your sales funnel.

4. Create a New Business

Many people have marketing skills and are looking for a product to sell but don’t have the means to mass-produce items easily.

Books are sellable items that are relatively cheap to mass-produce. Therefore, once a ghostwriter creates the initial manuscript, an infinite number of books can be printed and sold.

Many entrepreneurial people out there hire a ghostwriter to create a story that their research indicates will sell well. Then, after receiving the manuscript, they use their marketing and business skills to get sales.

5. Simplicity

Writing a book is time-consuming and difficult. Most people who have amazing story ideas don’t have the time to write a book. They might put it off in the category of something they will do one day, but too often, that day doesn’t ever come.

Hiring a ghostwriter simplifies the project into something manageable and allows the buyer to create their manuscript quickly and easily.

Hire the ghostwriter and tell your story. Hire them to bring your novel idea to life.  Use them to create your family history book to pass down to the next generation. A ghostwriter is the quickest and easiest means to a well-written manuscript.

Ghostwriters are professionals who write other people’s books for a living. They can write yours too.

Don’t let your story idea be put on the back burner another day, InstantPublisher offers skilled and experienced ghostwriting services at a reasonable price. Call today for more information at  1 800 259 2592 or send an email to questions@instantpublisher.com for more information.

5 Reasons to Self-Publish

When most writers think of getting their book published they imagine sending queries to publishers and having their books accepted by a book publisher.

While that is the right choice for some people, for others, self-publishing is a far better option.

Here are five great reasons to choose self-publishing instead.

A sign that says possibilities st representing self publishing possibilities

1. Niche Market

Books in niche markets are difficult to find traditional publishers for which makes self-publishing a great choice.

Some books appeal to lots of people but that doesn’t mean that books intended for a small select group of individuals shouldn’t be created. There may be a limited number of people in the world who want to read about collecting stamps from the Victorian era but that doesn’t mean those books shouldn’t be written. Such niche books are ideal for self-publishing. The author can print books and then take those books to conventions and other places where their target market congregates.

2. Content Control

When a person self-publishes they can control everything in their book. No one tells them what to include or what to cut.

In traditional book publishing, there is almost always an editor who requests the author edit their book to be more appealing for a wider market even if those edits will change the meaning of the author’s book.

3. Packaging Control

Similar to content control, package control allows the author to tailor the appearance of their book. They choose the cover, binding, and interior book design. They can also choose to include whatever photos or customs illustrations they feel are best for their book. In traditional publishing authors typically have little or no say over how their work is packaged. The packaging, including the cover, will likely be created by someone who has never read the book and has only a vague description to go off of.  When an author self-publishes they control all of the elements of the finished book.

4. Money

Publishing companies are businesses. They have investors who expect profits and employees who can only be retained if offered competitive wages and benefits packages. This often means that authors, the creators of intellectual property, receive a small cut of the book earnings. That isn’t the case for self-publishing.

5. Retaining Rights

Self-publishers retain all the rights to their intellectual property. They can choose to use those rights and sell those rights as they see fit. Those rights include digital book publishing, merchandise, foreign translation, audiobooks, and more.

Book publishers may expect an author to sign away some or all of the rights to their intellectual property. Signing over those rights can be a huge detriment to the author. If an author signs over those rights to a publisher the author won’t have a say in how those rights are used. It is possible that the book publishing company might choose to use those rights in a way that is profitable but that the creator feels misrepresents the original work.

Whatever reason you choose to self-publish InstantPublisher has all the author services you need to turn your manuscript into a finished masterpiece.

Call 1 800 259 2592 to speak to a representative. You can also fill out our online contact form, or send an email to questions@instantpublisher.com for more information.