Advantages of Self Publishing

Advantage #1 Larger Profits- Self-publishing allows for larger profits on each book sold. If you already have networks to sell your books, self-publishing can make the publishing process more profitable compared to traditionally published books. Writers who frequently speak at conferences, for example, might benefit more from self-publishing than from using a publisher.

Advantage #2 Control- Self-publishing gives you complete control over your editorial and design. (You are in control, not the publisher). Many parts that publishers would probably want to edit or delete is combed over by you. You are in control of designing your cover and the content.

Advantage #3 On Your Time- Self-publishing allows you to set the timeline. If your book is related to current events, you can publish your book – – – using your schedule to ensure that you have printed copies on-hand when that event happens. A publishing company has its own schedule that doesn’t necessarily coincide with yours. It will likely take much longer to see your book in print compared to self-publishing.

Advantage #4 Retain Copyrights- When you self-publish, you retain all copyrights. (Let’s restate. When you self-publish, you retain all copyrights). If your printed book doesn’t sell the way you had expected, with a traditional book publisher you are halted. Your book contract likely prohibits you from use of your content in ways without the publisher being involved. As a self-publisher, you can also create ebooks, articles for your website, videos, or brochures from your book’s content without contractual repercussions.

Self Publishing >>

Confidence and Success with Self-Publishing

Success in Self Publishing

It’s not unusual that so many new and seasoned authors are turning to self-publishing more and more in this economy. While self-publishing has been around, it’s become even more popular since the economic crash in 2008 which sent large publishing houses scrambling for manuscripts they “believed” would definitely sell. After all, with money tight for everyone, large publishing houses became even more leery of taking on unknowns than before.

All the while, literary agents, continued to follow suit with the perception that taking on unknown authors was well – just plain too risky. What did that mean for the world of self-publishing? Big business – more than before. Instant Publisher, one of the nation’s leading book publishing companies began to see an increase in customer interest while a large sect of authors flocked to self-publishing companies because of many reasons, although much is speculation at this point and not statistical yet. (Statistics will be available by the end of 2010.)

We do know that in 2009 self-publishing hit an all time high with self-published titles hitting around the 764,000 mark. That’s a lot of books. That’s also a lot of authors! With that in mind Instant Publisher kicked up advertising and reached evermore for the right audience, which led the company even closer to its current success.

With the rise in unknowns and even seasoned authors turning to self-publishing, revenue increased and Instant Publisher began to climb even higher to a position of being one of the best self-publishing companies to use. Why? Well, for starters they got the word out!

  • Superior Quality Books
  • Excellent, Live Customer Service
  • No hidden side-kick fees like most self-publishing companies have lurking in the find print
  • Affordability
  • Quick Turnaround
  • Minimum orders beginning at 25 books

While many authors view any publishing venture as risky – working with a book publishing company like Instant Publisher puts many authors at more ease – knowing all of the above. Money saved on the front end means more money on the back end that can be spent on marketing and gaining book placement, which ultimately leads to sales. And sales is the key word. Sales means = Money.

The Self-Publishing Advantage

Control. So, we are in a fragile economy, yet it’s better than it was a year ago.

People still go to the movies, out to dinner and yes, read. They purchase books. The great catch to the author, who self-publishes, however, is that they aren’t required to share the majority of their royalties off of book sales with another person or entity. They remain in the driver seat and maintain control over earnings.

This is a big attraction to many authors (especially today) who self-publish because they can actually make more money self-publishing. Of course, who wouldn’t love a million dollar advance? Well – those aren’t that common. Some self-published authors who take a chance and hold confidence within their book and their self-publishing company sometimes do end up being picked up by a major publishing house, but only after they have shown that the book sells. (Again – makes money! )

With Instant Publisher, authors can control the design of their book, how they want it bound and the number of books to print and publish. The author calls the shots according to their budget. has been in the book publishing business for about 10-years and falls under the parent company, Fundcraft Publishing, a family owned, 100-year old cookbook publishing company – and one of the nation’s leading cookbook fundraising companies.

Consider using for your book! Let Instant Publisher bring out the book in you!

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As always – Start Writing and Good Luck from the awesome Instant Publisher team!

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