Printing your book is STEP #1 in your Self-Publishing Success Story

The mistake new authors make is in assuming that a physical copy of their book is the end goal. They don’t understand that creating a print copy is simply a step in the process. This is step #1. Then marketing comes. Authors must spread the word.

{ Printing your book is STEP #1 in Self-Publishing. }

The real problems begin when it comes time to market that print copy. Merely having a website on the internet or a placement on isn’t enough. You MUST have a way to drive traffic to your book.

Without major buzz, it is unlikely that people will flock to those sites in search of your book. More importantly, when you self-publish, you do not have access to the vehicles through which most new releases find homes: Libraries and large retail outlets like Barnes & Noble or Wal-Mart.

Some bookstores, under financial stress, are selling slots on their shelves to self-published writers, meaning that now the “author” not only has to pay for the printing of the book, he or she is also paying for space in a bookstore.

Self-publishing can be a viable alternative for non-fiction writers who are a part of a specific niche. Because they are connected to a well-defined segment of the market that is already interested in the subject matter, non-fiction writers have a potential leg up on sales. {It does help when you write a novel about a popular subject matter. This helps sell your novel.}

Although the fiction market is divided into genres, it’s tougher to harness that power because the market is so large and diffuse with many, many websites and social networking opportunities.

However, it does help you to have a professional website to sell your book. Also, you must have a blog. Blogs are very popular, and people can leave comments. Others will review these comments and the snowball effect starts. By word of mouth your book will start to get good reviews.

Yes, create a business Facebook page. This will help spread the word. Post comments about your new book 3-4 times per week on Facebook. *Note, make sure you post a link back to your website, about your book.

In summation, step #1 is to get your book printed. Self Publishing is a winner. To have success, you must network, network, network. Tell everyone you know about your book. *Yes, Amazon, and iTunes will help sell your book, but you must market your book by telling everyone that you have a new book.

*[Share your success story from self-publishing your book with InstantPublisher.]

Self-Publishing >>

Advantages of outsourcing Print Production or Training Manual Printing

This brief describes major trends in print production, and purchasing strategies. Overall benefits of outsourcing print production are revealed with specific reasons why outsourcing saves time and money.

FACT= outsourcing print production can reduce marketing expenses by 5% to 30% or more.

Many of today’s successful companies are pursuing outsourcing arrangements with printing/publishing companies, for all their printing needs.

As this wave hits the print production arena, it is strengthening corporate profits, and propelling the rapid growth of a brand new service firm, publishing companies.

Print commerce is one of the biggest opportunities for corporations to reduce costs. That should come as no surprise when you consider the amount of money spent on printing. Companies need employee handbooks, training manuals, and other types of product manuals. Companies have the opportunity to save money.

American corporations annually purchase over $150 million dollars worth of brochures, catalogs, direct mail, annual reports and sales collateral materials, not to mention business forms, letterhead, envelopes, packaging and point-of-sale materials.

{Companies spend close to 3% of annual revenues on printing.}

Outsource your printing needs.

One possible reason for companies not saving, as much as they could, is that there are too many people inside the corporation who are authorized to buy printing. One team buys forms and letterhead. Another buys packaging. Two or three departments, plus a handful of agencies, are authorized to buy custom collateral pieces, etc. You start to see the picture. Why should you purchase from several different companies. Use one (1) company for all your printing needs.

Some corporations may not realize how much money is being spent, or that there is a way to effectively outsource this function on a corporate basis to benefit your business.

Outsourcing the print process has the potential to save billions of dollars for corporations around the globe. As the internet economy continues to unfold, more and more corporations will seek to seize this opportunity. People us the internet to find the next big thing or in this case, you can take care of your companies printing needs to save money.

Emerging to serve this growing need is a fairly new printing firm – InstantPublisher is characterized by “Fast Turnaround,” “Affordability,” “Ease of Use,” “Options,” and “Live Customer Support.”

It’s important to note that InstantPublisher has been around for 10 years. We can take care of all your printing needs. Try us for your employee handbook printing, training manual printing, product manuals and other printing needs.