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7 Must-Have Book Swag for Self-Publishing Authors

Some self-publishing authors assume that the book publishing process is complete once the book printing is done but that’s only the beginning. Finishing the book printing and binding process is a huge milestone but then comes the hard part of getting readers interested in the book. There are lots of techniques authors use to raise reader awareness. Several of those methods use book swag as a valuable marketing tool. Here are 7 must-have book swag items for self-publishing authors.

A pile of books by self-publishing-authors with the words did you know above it.


Bookmarks are the most common book swag that self-publishing authors use to excite readers. They often include bookmarks with sales and encourage people to pick up free bookmarks at in-person author events.

2. Stickers

Similar to bookmarks, these can be given away with purchases or offered for free to anyone approaching a self-publishing author at an event. Many readers consume books digitally and love having stickers from their favorite authors to decorate their e-reading devices. If a self-publishing author has used digital printing services to port their books to e-readers, stickers are as important as bookmarks.

3. Posters

Posters, like bookmarks, can be given out with purchases or offered at in-person author events. These are ideal for providing readers with more information than is seen on the smaller bookmarks. Posters are great ways to advertise upcoming books as well as offer readers insight into cool facts about a purchased book.

4. Notebooks

Notebooks can be an amazing giveaway at an in-person author event when the self-publishing author is a guest speaker. This gives the reader the opportunity to take notes on what is said.

Larger versions of notepads can also be offered for sale.

Notebooks are a huge draw, especially for teen audiences who carry them for school.

5. Pens

Similarly to notebooks, these are great swag at author events where a self-publishing author is the speaker. They can be paired with notebooks or offered up separately to eager readers. They also are great to include in a swag bag.

6. Totes

Readers at book signings rarely remember to bring bags to carry their purchases so offering totes printed with a series logo or quotes can be an exciting way for readers to carry all those books they’ve just purchased.

Additionally, totes can be used to create swag bags or a compilation of promotional materials given out to readers at events.

7. T-Shirts

Not every self-publishing author will find t-shirts a great promotional tool however it’s ideal for books with strong visual elements such as children’s picture books, comics, manga, graphic novels, and long-running series with distinctive art.

Readers who love a book or character want to share that love with the world. And, of course, the author can wear their branded shirts at in-person author events.

Book swag can be printed with custom book covers, series logos, or custom illustrations featured in a self-publishing author’s work. It can be given away at the author table during in-person events, sent to ARC readers,  offered in exchange for reader email addresses, used in giveaways, and so much more.

InstantPublisher offers book publishing services, including the printing of a variety of marketing materials and book swag. Visit our website today to learn more about how we can help you meet all your self-publishing goals.

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