Each new year brings with it wondrous opportunities for self-publishing authors to reevaluate where they are in their writing careers and look for ways they can move closer to their career goals.
Here are five things self-publishing authors can do in 2025 to improve their careers:
1. Self-Publishing a Book
This may seem obvious, but the best thing self-publishing authors can do to improve their careers is to publish more books.
Each book creates new possibilities for the self-publishing author to find readers who will become super fans and want to read every book the author has written.
Self-publishing a book allows for varied marketing strategies to attract new fans who can be directed to the author’s backlist and open up event opportunities.
2. Offer Diverse Formats
While self-publishing a brand new book is the best way for an author to move forward in their career, a close second is to expand the formats available for backlist books. Self-publishing authors whose backlist is print exclusive should try digital printing services or expand into audiobook publishing. Ebooks and audiobooks often have a different audience than print books, and making books available in multiple formats creates opportunities for new readers to connect with a self-publishing author.
3. Attend Events
In-person events are great for self-publishing authors to meet readers and sell books. Self-publishing authors who have never done an event could choose 2025 as the year of their maiden voyage.
Self-publishing authors who have attended in-person events should consider ways to increase attendance or attend more varied events.
These can include author events hosted by local bookstores, craft fairs, genre-specific festivals, and library-hosted events.
A self-publishing author who published a new book in 2025 can also consider throwing a launch party.
4. Expand Social Media Presence
In-person events are a great way to meet new people, but social media is king when it comes to staying connected with fans.
Self-publishing authors should evaluate their current social media presence and decide where to expand their reach. This could be an increase in content frequency, trying out a new platform, or varying content that is currently offered.
Never done a book trailer? 2025 is the year. Read a fantastic book? Share it with your readers. Have an adorable pet who lounges beside your laptop as you write? Spread the cuteness with online pics.
5. Experiment with Marketing
There are countless ways that authors can market their books. Most authors must determine what will work for their book by trial and error.
2025 is the year for self-publishing authors to look at marketing options and give things a try. This can be anything from sponsoring influencer content to running ads online.
InstantPublisher offers various book publishing services to help self-publishing authors succeed in 2025. Visit our website today to learn how we can help you achieve the author career you’ve always dreamed of.