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3 Tips for Writing Holiday-Themed Books

Holiday-themed books hold a special appeal to readers and can add a boost to a self-publishing author’s backlist. However, holiday-themed books are more than simply stories that fall on a particular calendar date. Here are 3 tips for making amazing holiday-themed books readers will enjoy.

1. Pick the Right Holiday

Picking the right holiday is the first step in a successful holiday-themed book.

Generally speaking, the self-publishing author should gravitate towards holidays with lots of commercial appeal. Additionally, holidays that are celebrated over the course of days or even the entire month typically hold more appeal. For instance, Christmas and Halloween are popular for holiday-themed books while Labor Day and President’s Day are not.

Similarly, the plot of the book can make a difference in holiday choices. A plot that takes place during a short period of time can be fit into holiday celebrations that are traditionally shorter such as July Fourth or St. Patrick’s Day.

Jack o’lanterns symbolizing a Halloween theme in a self-publishing author’s book

Additionally, the self-publishing author will have a stronger book if the holiday they pick is one that they have a personal connection to and experience with. It can be hard for a self-publishing author to bring out the feel of a holiday authentically in their book if it is one they have never celebrated themselves, though sometimes it is possible with enough research.

2. Character Connection

Holiday-themed books generally require characters with a strong connection to those holidays. This is less important for a holiday-themed book in a long-running series but essential for a holiday-themed book that stands alone.

It doesn’t matter if the main character loves or hates the holiday. It just matters that they aren’t neutral to it. Characters with a strong emotional connection to a holiday, good or bad, have built-in internal conflicts. This can be a character avoiding holiday cheer due to their trauma. It can equally be a character emotionally trying to connect with their past holiday joys and failing due to the difficulties of the story’s plot.

3. Embrace the Holiday Spirit

The fun of holiday-themed books is that they embrace the spirit of the holiday. This means that whenever the self-publishing author can drag elements of the holiday into their story they should.

If a couple in a Christmas-themed romance is going on a date it should be ice skating, sledding, caroling, or other things that will give the reader a Christmas feeling.

Similarly, a detective in a Halloween-themed mystery should find an important clue in a corn maze, have a frightening encounter with a suspect at a haunted house, or have a run-in with a spookily dressed character.

It isn’t enough that a holiday-themed book takes place during the calendar date of that holiday. The book should be brimming with external conflicts caused by holiday celebrations and the holiday should be heavily involved in the plot as well as the setting for major scenes in the book.

In short, holiday-themed books should have the holiday and its festivities at the heart of the book. Readers pick up holiday-themed books for that immersion into the holiday spirit and they want to share their favorite holiday experiences with the characters.

Regardless of what book, holiday-themed or otherwise, you choose to write, InstantPublisher is here to help. We offer assistance throughout the book publishing process. Visit our website and see all the book publishing services we offer to self-publishing authors.

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