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3 Tips for Working with ARC Readers

ARCs or Advance Reader Copies are books that authors send out, usually before the official publication date. The publisher typically prints these books in small quantities as a bookish draft. This ensures that the interior book design and custom book covers look as expected once they move from the digital realm to the physical realm.

Self-publishing authors can work with ARC readers to create buzz around their book before the official release date. However, working with ARC readers can be challenging for self-publishing authors. Here are a few things to remember:

Choose ARC Readers Carefully

Self-publishing authors should consider several things when choosing ARC readers.

  • Self-publishing authors should choose ARC readers who influence the reader community. This can range from readers who talk about books on social media to readers who leave in-depth reviews on book-related sites. This can assist the self-publishing author in acquiring early sales and can help potential readers decide if a book is a good fit for them.
  • ARC readers should enjoy books in the genre the self-publishing author has written in. This increases the likelihood the ARC reader will love the book and share it with their community.
  • Self-publishing authors should be selective about the ARC readers they choose and not expect their friends and family to do the job of ARC readers. That expectation often leads to disappointment.

An ARC reader enjoying a book by a self-publishing author

Set Clear Expectations

Self-publishing authors should make sure to set clear expectations for ARC readers and to communicate them.

These expectations should include a deadline for the ARC reader to finish reading and to post their reviews and other promotions on social media.

Also, self-publishing authors should be clear with ARC readers about what they expect if the ARC reader decides they don’t enjoy the book. Does the self-publishing author want the ARC reader to leave an honest review? Does the self-publishing author expect an ARC reader not to review a book they aren’t enjoying? Does the self-publishing author want the ARC reader to contact them if the book isn’t working for them?

Setting clear expectations early on between the ARC reader and the self-publishing author helps to prevent disappointments and hard feelings. ARC readers are a precious resource, and maintaining good relationships with the ARC reader community should be the goal of self-publishing authors.

Accept Criticism Gracefully

Every self-publishing author believes in their book. They have put their blood, sweat, and tears into that book.

Despite a self-publishing author’s best efforts, their book may not satisfy some readers. This can include ARC readers, even when they have been carefully selected.

Self-publishing authors can’t control a reader’s experience, and accepting that gracefully is essential. Self-publishing authors should not interact with negative feedback from ARC readers. This can damage their relationship with that ARC reader and give them a negative reputation in the ARC reader community.

If an ARC reader criticizes the self-publishing author’s book to their community or leaves a negative review, the self-publishing author should avoid responding publicly. This is true even if the self-publishing author feels the criticism is incorrect.

Self-publishing authors should be aware of their brand and understand that pushing back publicly against ARC readers and other reviewers can damage their reputation.

The best thing a self-publishing author can do when an ARC reader doesn’t meet their expectations is not to use that ARC reader in the future.

Self-publishing authors should use ARC readers to create buzz for their books and should do their best to maintain good relationships with ARC readers and other influencers in the reader community.

Choose Your Book Publisher Before Finding Your ARC Readers

Before a self-publishing author needs to worry about finding ARC readers, they must choose a book publisher. InstantPublisher offers a variety of self-publishing services. Visit our website today to see how we can make your dreams of self-publishing a book come true.

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