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3 Tips for Creating Custom Calendars for Christmas Gifting

Christmas is just around the corner and calendars make perfect gifts. Fortunately, in these days of custom printing services, custom calendars are affordable and simple to make with the help of calendar publishers.

Here are 3 tips for creating custom calendars to gift this holiday season.

1. Pick a Theme

Calendars make great gifts but it’s important to consider who will receive the calendar. The theme of a calendar given to grandmothers, aunts, and cousins will differ from a calendar given by a corporation to its employees.

Custom calendars should feel personal to the people receiving them. They should be appealing to the eye and have a theme that makes the receiver excited to hang it on their wall for all to see.

A woman taking a photograph that will be used by the calendar publisher as a monthly image

The giver should think long and hard about an appropriate calendar theme and should stick to that theme as they set up the calendar.

2. Sources for Calendar Images

Some gifters feel intimidated by the idea of finding pictures for their custom calendars however there are many avenues one can take to source those pictures.

The simplest is using photos the gifter has taken. This is especially useful if the calendars are going to family members who will be happy to turn their calendar page and see an adored niece, a comedically posed nephew, or a decorated granddog.

Similarly, employers can use photos of company achievements for the year in their calendars to give employees a sense of pride in their accomplishments.

While photos are an easy and personal way to get calendar pictures they aren’t the only way.

Depending on the theme of the calendar, stock image sites have pictures that can be used for a small fee. Many of these images are professionally photographed and attractive. They are a great source of themed images if personalized photos aren’t available.

Another option for getting appropriate calendar images is to hire an artist. There are many illustrators available for hire who can work with the gifter to create perfect images for their calendar when photos and stock images don’t quite have what the gifter is looking for.

Sometimes, calendar publishers have design staff who can assist in procuring images.

3. Personalize Dates

One of the great things about personalized calendars is that important dates, related to the calendar theme, can be added by the calendar publishers.

For a gifter creating a family calendar, these noted dates might be birthdays or anniversaries. For a corporation gifting employees this might be important recurring dates for business events as well as anniversaries of past accomplishments.

Custom calendars are limited only by the gifter’s imagination.

Custom calendars are an excellent holiday gift that can be personalized to the receiver.

InstantPublisher is one of the calendar printing companies in the USA. They can help you create your custom calendar today. Visit our website to learn more about calendar creation as well as the other custom printing services we offer.

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