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3 Self-Publishing Myths

Self-publishing isn’t new, but changes in technology, particularly the internet, have made self-publishing more available to the masses in recent years. Despite this, most authors don’t know much about self-publishing and often fall into the trap of believing outdated or incorrect myths about self-publishing. Here are three myths about self-publishing authors should know.

A pile of books by self-publishing-authors with the words did you know above it

1 Self-publishing is the Last Resort

Some self-publishing authors choose to self-publish only after being unable to find a traditional publisher, but that isn’t always the case. There are many valid reasons for authors to select self-publishing that have nothing to do with being rejected by traditional publishers.

Self-publishing grants authors total control over their books, which some people desire. In traditional publishing, an author gives up many of their rights in exchange for publication, which doesn’t sit well with every author. Many self-publishing authors choose that option to ensure their vision is respected and that big corporations don’t taint their art.

Another common reason, besides control that leads authors to self-publishing, is money. Self-publishing authors don’t share the profits from their books with agents and publishers, which means they typically earn more per book sale than their traditionally published counterparts.

2 Self-publishing is Expensive

Traditional publishers pay for a book’s production and then take a large portion of the profits.

Self-publishing requires an author to invest in their book, but the profits from that book belong entirely to the author.

Self-publishing can be costly, but there are many things authors can do to limit or eliminate some of the costs.

Self-publishing authors can choose less expensive premade book cover designs instead of custom book covers. They can select less-expensive book printing and binding options. There are different printing sizes and papers available to self-publishing authors that change the printing costs. Additionally, self-publishing authors on a budget may choose to forgo hardcover book printing in favor of cheaper paperbacks. Self-publishing authors can also choose to forgo physical books and use digital printing services instead. Self-publishing authors may choose short-run book printing, which creates a higher cost per printed book but allows them to print fewer books or seek discounts for bulk printing.

Self-publishing authors make all the choices about how their books are published and, therefore can make self-publishing a book work into any budget.

3 Self-publishing a Book is Hard

Self-publishing a book isn’t hard, but it takes some work. Self-publishing authors should seek out the best self-publishing companies and use their knowledge to simplify the process.

Most self-publishing companies offer a variety of book publishing services. These include interior book design, custom cover design, editing, ghostwriting, and digital printing services.

Experts are available to help self-publishing authors at every step, making the self-publishing process simple and straightforward.

InstantPublisher is a book printing and binding company that can help with all your self-publishing needs. Visit our website today to learn more about our services and how we can make all your publication dreams come true.

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