5 Non-Printing Related Self- Publishing Costs You Should Know About

When most people imagine self-publishing costs, they are focused on things such as paper, ink, and binding. While those things are part of the self-publishing book printing process, they are not all that is needed for a successful book. Here are five non-printing costs related to self-publishing.

Custom Book Covers

Compelling custom book covers can be the difference between success and failure. You need a book cover that makes a promise to the reader. A cover should hint at the contents inside and compel the potential reader to hungrily pick up the book.

A professional and appealing cover isn’t something you can do for yourself unless you already have training as a graphic designer.


Your book may require illustrations within the pages depending on what type of book you are printing.

Children’s picture books need images to keep a child’s attention. Middle-grade books benefit from occasional illustrations as the readers make the transition from picture books to chapter books.

Fan illustrations from a vanity publisher book

Nonfiction books can benefit from visual aids or illustrations that help clarify the concepts discussed.

Illustrations must look professional as well as fit properly on the pages of your book.


Even the most careful and meticulous author sometimes makes mistakes. There are subtle nuances in punctuation and grammar that most laymen miss. That is why it is important to have your manuscript looked over by a professional before you offer up the book to the self-publishing company for printing. Failure to do so could create a book riddled with errors. This may lead to the need for a reprint.

Save yourself time and money by being sure your book has had a solid polish by an editor before printing your own book.


Most published books need an International Standard Book Number (ISBN). These indicate the edition of the book and are used as a unique identifier.

Bookstores and libraries won’t carry books that lack an ISBN. This means that, if you are looking to sell your books anywhere other than your personal website or shop, an ISBN is a necessity.

InstantPublisher can help you get an ISBN number for your book and create a matching barcode.

Book Manuscript Formatting

Assuring that a book is pleasing to look at ensures customer satisfaction. This is largely handled through the book manuscript formatting part of the self-publishing process. A book with margins too large or small, seemingly random blank pages, and other inconsistent formatting can interfere with reader enjoyment as well as make your book look unprofessional.

As you can clearly see from this article, paper, ink, and binding isn’t all that is involved in printing a book.

InstantPublisher is available to help you with all the production steps necessary to bring your dream of a published book to fruition. Connect with our knowledgeable and experienced staff by calling 1-800-259-2592 or complete our simple online contact form today.

8 (More) Reasons to Write and Print Your Own Book Right Now

In a previous blog post we offered 6 Reasons Why You Should Write and Print Your Own Book Right Now. Just in case those six reasons weren’t enough to get you in front of your keyboard, here are eight more.

1. Increase Your Credibility

If you want to be considered an expert in your field, writing a book is a great way to promote yourself and prove to the world how much you know.

Woman reading a book from a vanity publisher

2. Increase Visibility of Your Company

If you own a business, having a book can be an excellent tool for promoting your business. People love stories and if you can offer them a story about your product it will endear them to your company.

3. Make Money

Whether you are using your book to promote a product–or the book is your product–there is money to be made in books. You can earn money from book and product sales as well as through increased business opportunities. You’ve proven you are an expert. That makes you a valuable commodity where HR and potential clients are concerned.

4. Selling Books is Easier than Ever

Great authors of the past have sold books from the trunks of their cars but now, the internet allows you to sell books globally with a click of the mouse.

5. There are More Available Tools Than Ever Before

Online course and videos can teach you writing craft. Online forums allow you to reach out to other authors in the community who offer feedback and help in ways that weren’t possible before the rise of the internet.

If you are struggling to bring your stories to life, there are ghostwriters available to assist you in organizing your thoughts on the page and seeing your vision fulfilled.

6. Life is Short

Unfortunately, science hasn’t found a way to allow humans to live forever. This means your time on this earth is limited. You don’t know how long you might have left. Start Writing Today.

7. Your Book is a Gift to Your Heirs

Although copyright law varies from place to place, many countries have copyright laws that extend past the death of the author. That means that your children, and perhaps even your grandchildren, will own the rights to your books. They can continue to earn money from your legacy as well as finding new ways to market your book in the exciting, unimaginable opportunities of the future. Your book is a gift to those you leave behind after you are gone. Not only in the intellectual property rights but your voice, insights, and very soul.

8. Printing a Book is Cost-Effective and Simple

It has never been easier to print your book. Our experts can help!

InstantPublisher can help you write and print your own book today. Connect with our knowledgeable and experienced staff by calling 1-800-259-2592 or complete our simple online contact form today.