About this Book: |
This book tells the story of Goshen Baptist Church located in West Chester, Pennsylvania. While presenting some pertinent history, most of the book is about how the church is currently serving the Lord Jesus Christ and the local community. Please visit Goshen Baptist and you will be given a free book just by asking.
Book Review: |
This book tells the story of how God has blessed Goshen Baptist for nearly 200 years. The manuscript includes the Gospel’s Good News, our Statement of Faith, and our church’s godly governance. There is a chapter about the Goshen Baptist worship services, including our music, preaching and teaching. Information is provided about our many church ministries and programs. New Christians, mature Christians and those still “seeking” God can all find suitable learning and fellowship opportunities. And lastly, the book explains the Goshen Baptist Missionary Outreach, and how we support missionary endeavors around the world.
This book may be viewed as commemorative in nature. It certainly reminds us about how much Almighty God has blessed Goshen Baptist and continues to bless us. But the book is also a beautiful document for telling other people about Goshen Baptist Church and inviting them to come visit and worship with us.
Please visit Goshen Baptist and you will be given a free book. We welcome everyone to join us.